Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Condoms For Convicts

(Sacramento, California) State Assemblyman Paul Koretz (remember this guy's name) has proposed legislation to allow distribution of condoms in prisons so convicts can safely perform sex acts that are illegal. Under the proposed legislation, AB 1677, the state of California would not sanction prison sex but would allow health groups to distribute condoms, "dental dams" (used in oral sex), and other sex-related protective devices (whatever those are). So far, there's been no mention of lotions or creams or hot tubs or stimulating mood music.

The proposed law also requires the Department of Corrections to properly dispose of used sexual devices that "protects the anonymity of inmates and the health of correctional officers."

I don't know how the state could claim that it's not sanctioning prison sex because it sure seems as though that's exactly what's occurring. In fact, I'd say they are going further than just sanctioning. By providing a veritable shopping list of sex paraphernalia, the state would be accommodating and encouraging prison sex.

Also, over and above the fact that the state is turning its back on illegal acts being committed within its purview, there must be a legal liability aspect to providing sexually-oriented protective equipment. What if the condom or other device failed to protect? Wouldn't the state of California be liable for compensatory and punitive damages?

Condoms for convicts is a bad idea.

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