Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Terrorists At Internet Cafes

Dr. Rusty Schackleford has the scoop on outlining the problem with Internet cafes being relied upon by terrorists for drug-running, gun-running, and planning and directing their murderous campaigns. The Internet cafe issue was raised in a Newsday report discussing the elusiveness of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. According to Dana Ahmad Majid, head of security for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan which controls the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq,
"Telephone communications in Iraq are difficult," Majid said, "but the Internet is everywhere and it is difficult to track."
Dr. Rusty contends that the terrorist's ability to communicate needs to be shut down and it could easily be done by closing the cafes. I tend to agree. Alternatively, it would be fairly easy to at least adulterate their communications and make life miserable. My experience with ISPs and website providers is that they are experts at screwing up communications by accident. Imagine how creative they could be if they did it on purpose.

There's more at The Jawa Report. Go there.

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