Saturday, July 09, 2005

A Kid in a Cult

There have been dozens and dozens and dozens of cults exposed in recent decades and, each time, it tears at my viscera. Charles Manson, Heaven's Gate, Jim Jones, Aum Shinri Kyo, and other names are all too familiar. Without intervention, each customarily degenerates into multiple murders and/or suicides. To me, the word 'cult' is synonymous with evil and deep corruption.

All that said, it's torturous to break from a cult. The psychological enslavement is like a steel clamp, seldom overcome. The actual personal stories of those who find freedom, returning to the realm of thinking individuals, are not told often enough. Chris Short helps in that regard. As a young boy forced into a cult life, he's "been there, done that" and tells the story.

Go visit Our Life for Chris Short's candid personal account of being a kid in a cult. He's already kicked the tires on the Center for Purposeful Living. Now, thankfully, we don't have to.

[Update 7/14/05]

Another personal story has emerged in Chris Short's ongoing investigation and analysis of the Center for Purposeful Living. See Continuing the Cult Discussion.

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