Friday, July 22, 2005

A Muslim Viewpoint

I received a comment on my previous post on the London terror incident. My readers can make of it what they wish. The person's name is Muhammad Alwi. Unedited, here's his comment.
I'm a Muslim and Islam always teaches how to be obedient to God and to respect all people irrespective of their beliefs. However even a nice mongrel if it is provoked and pushed against a wall will bite back. The madrassah in Pakistan teaches young kids to learn the religion and many as young as 12 years old can recite the whole Koran by heart. 9/11 is a result of American greediness plundering Arab's resources and supporting the most cruel regime in the world. Afghanistan and Iraq are just rubbing salt to the wound. As long as the majority still stupid enough to listen to all the lies - 'hate our freedom', WMD, Muslim terrorists, and other rhetorics-you will suffer from the fear of similar incidents. You have lost some of your freedoms. Some businesses have been affected. Mideast tourists are now coming to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The business is booming - thanks to bush/blair/sharon. Those affected directly/indirectly in the UK, you know who to sue.
If anyone desires to email Muhammad, here's his address: amekasmy - at -

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