Thursday, September 08, 2005

California Assembly Approves Driver's Licenses for Illegals

(Sacramento, California) Contrary to the will of the majority, on Tuesday the California Assembly approved legislation which would legalize same-sex marriage. Since the idea was on the ballot in 2000 (Proposition 22) and soundly rejected by California voters, Gov. Schwarzenegger said he would veto the same-sex marriage bill (AB 849).

Not deterred in promoting their unpopular leftist agenda, on Wednesday the Assembly followed their same-sex bill with passage of a bill authorizing the issuance of driver's licenses to illegal aliens. According to recent polling, better than 60 percent of Californians oppose the idea. It's unknown what decision Gov. Schwarzenegger will make.

It is known, however, that the California Assembly doesn't give one whit about what the majority of citizens thinks. On successive days this week, the Assembly has passed legislation that arrogantly ignores the public will.

Obviously, the voters are tardy in rethinking who should be representing them.

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