Saturday, September 10, 2005

Man With Three Testicles

The condition where a man has more than two testicles is called polyorchidism and it is a very rare congenital abnormality. Three testicles is called triorchidism and it has been referred to in medical literature all the way back to ancient times. Consequently, it's not unheard of, however, since it's extremely rare it's discussed infrequently.

In total, less than 100 cases of men with three testicles are documented in medical literature worldwide. Anecdotally, of the hundreds of thousands of British servicemen conscripted during World War II, health records indicate that only nine men were found to have three testicles.

Interestingly, triorchidism is asymptomatic and usually has no effect on fertility. Typically, the additional plum hangs on the left. Diagnosis of the condition is conducted through observation using arithmetic.

Given the facts regarding triorchidism, the recent story of child molester Robert Stillman, surprisingly admitting guilt after the victim told investigators that he had three testicles, makes much more sense. Stillman knew he was caught. Given the rarity of the condition, he couldn't expect a jury to believe that some other guy in the neighborhood molested the girl.

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