Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sierra Club Allegedly Bribed

(Richmond, Virginia) If the allegation has merit, it's proof that large amounts of money will shut up even the loudest of activist groups.

From ContraCostaTimes.com:
A Sierra Club member staged a small protest Monday calling for the resignation of the environmental group's executive director, accusing him of accepting money from a donor in exchange for halting the group's discussion of immigration policy.

James McDonald, a 60-year-old Springfield attorney, said Carl Pope accepted more than $100 million from California donor David Gelbaum in 2001 only after promising Gelbaum the club would stay out of the immigration debate. Pope and leaders of the venerable conservation group called McDonald's allegations ridiculous.
This is the first I've heard of dissension in the ranks of the Sierra Club. If true, it will become more pronounced as the illegal alien issue unavoidably climbs in importance. Obviously, it is a divisive issue and the leftists may see a break in their unity.

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