Saturday, December 10, 2005

Desiree Goodwin - Sexy Librarian

Desiree_GoodwinTo refresh the readers' memories, Desiree Goodwin was a librarian at Harvard's Frances Loeb Library when she filed suit against the university in 2003 claiming racial and gender discrimination.

In April 2005, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination dismissed her claims of discrimination after a federal jury deliberated for four hours. Even so, Goodwin seemed less than crestfallen. Presumably, she enjoyed being in the spotlight.

Well, after a period of six months or so without the spotlight, Desiree Goodwin is back in the news, albeit somewhat dimly. Wisconsin researchers have cited Goodwin's experience with Harvard as an example of the danger sexy woman are confronted with in the employment marketplace. Specifically, women who are perceived as sexy are also perceived as being dumb. The research supports Goodwin's contention that she wasn't promoted because she was too sexy and her superiors perceived her to be dumb.

There may be merit in the study, but I'm not sold on the contention that Goodwin fits the mold. Allegations indicate that she was a habitual complainer who caused friction in the library organization. Despite whether she was sexy or not, a manager probably doesn't want to augment negativity in the work environment by promoting someone who has difficulty getting along with other employees. Of course, I could be wrong.

Charles Hill has been following Desiree's travails at Dustbury. He's also got a better picture of her than the one above.

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