Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Religion of Peace Angry Leadership Conference

(Tripoli, Libya) Every four years, the World Islamic People's Leadership meets in Libya to discuss the condition of the Muslim world. The conference was inaugurated in 1989 by Muammar Gadhafi and, a year later, Minister Louis Farrakhan was appointed the deputy.

This year's conference was held on November 26 - 30 and was attended by Islamic leaders from 87 nations. Minister Farrakhan spoke and was received with overwhelming warmth. In summary, he stated that Muslim extremism is allowed by the will of Allah "so the voice of moderation can ultimately be heard by the forces that have created this extreme reaction to their extreme persecution of Muslims." In other words, extremism is necessary to get the Western World to quit persecuting Muslims. Of course, Farrakhan talked for a long time but, nonetheless, that was his primary message.

For the finale, the delegates visited the compound of Brother Muammar Gadhafi, the Commander of the World Islamic People's Leadership, who was overjoyed to see Farrakhan. Then, the delegates were provided with some Gadhafi wisdom.
Bro. Gadhafi's discussion was based on persecuton of Muslims and the destruction of the Holy Book. He asked the question, "What are we doing to stop the extreme behavior on the part of governments that are frightened of the emergence of Islam.?" He stressed that Muslims must take a course of action to defend their faith. "What has been done since the desecration of the Holy Qur'an at Guantanamo? What have we done to show our disgust at the torture of Muslims at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo?" he asked. "We must not stand by and watch Muslims be tortured and say nothing," he added. [sic all]
Consequently, Muslim leaders departed after a week's worth of discussion with two primary messages. One being that terrorism is the will of Allah and two being that they all should be angry about desecration of the Qur'an and torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. And based upon these premises, Gadhafi called for action.

Pondering for a moment, at what part of this Muslim leadership conference was there any indication of moderation and reasonableness? Over and over, the public has been pummeled by the media to understand that average Muslims are moderate. It's hard to believe when their leaders are calling for action based upon fabrications (i.e. Qur'an desecration) and distortions (Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo). By the way, the same media are responsible for birthing and promulgating the fabrications and distortions.

In any event, if the World Islamic People's Leadership is a lens into the heart of Islam, then calling Islam the Religion of Peace is true only if Muslims are peaceful when angry. With an angry leadership, one has to assume that the average Muslim is an angry moderate. Whatever that is. (Source)

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