Sunday, February 05, 2006

Aussie Muslims Warn Against Publishing Cartoon

The Muslims from down under have laid down the gauntlet.

From ABC New Online:
The president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Dr Ameer Ali, says while the cartoon is yet to be published in Australia, the community is already aware of the issue.

"The reaction is already in fact the imams are giving sermons in the mosques saying that this sort of action can only create more bin Ladens than to reduce him," he said.

Dr Ali says publishing the cartoon would cause too much offence.

"Which is more important - to preserve the freedom of speech or to antagonise one fifth of humanity," he said.
I get it. Twenty percent of humanity is more equal than eighty percent of humanity, so Muslims get to make the rules regarding free speech.

It must be the new math.

Companion post at In The Bullpen.

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