Saturday, February 04, 2006

No Couth in Advertising

(Mesa, Arizona) A woman may want to know what kind of underwear a man sports but that doesn't mean she wants to view the happy place.

A man who repeatedly exposed himself to women in a unique way was sentenced today to seven years in prison by a judge who was unswayed by his recent treatment.

Jeffery Howard Pritchert, 41, admitted to Mesa police that he took pictures of his own genitals and plastered them to the cars of 100 women in Southeast Valley parking lots from 1999 to 2005.

"These offenses occurred over a very long period of time with many victims," said Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens. "You had very many opportunities to change your conduct and you did not."
You know, if this guy was spamming the Internet instead of a parking lot, he would probably only face a fine.

As an aside, I recall from a few years ago someone telling me that one of these pictures was on his windshield. He thought it was an ad for a new Asian restaurant.

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