Monday, March 13, 2006

ACLU Attacks Single-Sex Classes

(Merton, Wisconsin) Sending a shot over the bow, the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin (ACLU - Wisconsin) has sent a letter to the superintendent of Arrowhead High School, Dave Lodes, attacking current plans to offer single-sex classes. According to ACLU Wisconsin Executive Director Chris Ahmuty,
"If they do go ahead with plans to offer single-sex classes, they would pretty clearly be in violation of the current rules regarding discrimination," Ahmuty said. "It would obviously be discriminating on basis of gender."
Regarding the ACLU's letter,
"They may get this letter and just turn it over to their attorneys," Ahmuty said. "Which is fine, we can handle it through our attorneys as well."
Sounds like a threat to me.

And, for the sake of argument, what is the ACLU protecting? I'd speculate that the students are being protected from having a better education.

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