Monday, August 14, 2006

Scots Want to Outlaw 'Buying A Round of Drinks' in Pubs

(Aberdeen, Scotland) This gem of an idea comes from Deputy Health Minister Lewis Macdonald who thinks people will drink less if buying a round is outlawed.

Publicans yesterday accused the Scottish Executive of trying to outlaw the age-old tradition of buying a round of drinks.

In a new campaign, designed to develop a more responsible attitude to alcohol, adverts will ask people not to put peer pressure on fellow drinkers to have another alcoholic drink when they would prefer to have a soft drink or nothing at all.

But one leading publican condemned the scheme as nonsense.

"This must have been thought up by the same person who suggested a maximum of three drinks in any one pub," said Colin Cameron of the Aberdeen Excise Licence Holders Association.

"What will they come up with next? Rationing? If you drink your quota on a Monday night you won't be allowed out again until the next Monday?"
I don't think the idea has a chance. Not only will there be little public support, a law banning the buying of a round of drinks would likely be unenforceable.

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