Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oregon School Requires Islamic Garb on Students

(Nyssa, Oregon) The courts and the ACLU make sure that Christian prayer and the Ten Commandments are removed from public schools and, all the while, we've got Islam being shoved down our kids' throats. How can a person not get heartburn?

From Local6.com:
Officials at a public school in Oregon are defending a seventh-grade social studies unit on Islam that included students dressing in traditional Islamic dress.

Kendlee Garner of Nyssa told the Ontario Argus Observer that she objected to the amount of time dedicated to the unit on Islam -- four weeks -- as well as the wearing of religious garb and the lack of parental notification. She said her son told her about the activity, and when she objected, he got an alternate assignment in the library.
School officials say that students have to understand the rise of Islam and the interaction with Europe. And yesterday, the good old trusty Supreme Court decided not to pursue the issue of Islamic indoctrination by passing on the opportunity to rule on a California case.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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