Friday, January 19, 2007

Chinese Missile Destroys Satellite

There is concern that the Chinese have not only launched a missile to shoot down a satellite but, at the same time, they have launched a new weapons race. Just ducky.

From The Age:
The US State Department has confirmed that on January 12, China used a land-based ballistic missile to collide with its ageing satellite, which was orbiting 865 kilometres above the Earth.

The enormous forces involved smashed the satellite into tens of thousands of pieces, creating a mass of space debris.

China's move appears to have caught Western nations by surprise. Experts believe that China has been provoked into staging this very public demonstration of its capabilities by the US's insistence on creating its global anti-ballistic missile system, in which Australia is to play a part.

They fear China's feat will encourage other countries to follow suit, placing the world's transportation, navigation and communication systems at risk.
The Chinese have introduced the new field of anti-satellite warfare to counter the American global anti-ballistic missile system. So, in response to a U.S. defensive weapon, China develops a new offensive capability, while creating an orbit full of debris.

Companion at The Jawa Report.

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