Tuesday, January 02, 2007

MTV Arabiya Soon to Launch

(Dubai, United Arab Emirates) This news broke last week but hasn't received much attention.

From AAWSAT.com:
The Arabian Television Network (ATN) has announced that it will partner with MTV Networks International, a unit of Viacom Networks Europe Inc, to launch the highly anticipated MTV Arabiya in 2007.

ATN is a subsidiary of the newly launched Arabian Broadcasting Network.

Abdullatif Al Sayegh, CEO, Chairman, Arabian Broadcasting Network said:
"Our partnership with MTV is a significant step in our long term strategic vision to offer an international channel dedicated to Arab music and culture. All of us in the team are excited about MTV Arabiya's forthcoming launch, and look forward to developing additional growth opportunities in the region."
Now, it's beyond me to envision MTV Arabiya being a replication of regular MTV or, for that matter, even having shared programming between the two. Presumably, viewers will see videos of the Muslim hit parade. It's also possible that knockoffs of the "Jackass" and "Real World" programs would be produced. Recent incidents indicate that there is plenty of material (see here and here) to work with in Muslim society.

Nevertheless, it seems ironic that, amid the ongoing friction between the Islamic and Western worlds, there is such an easy willingness to embrace MTV, arguably a most hedonistic, vulgar and sacrilegious product of the infidels. Obviously, there is a contest between Allah and the dollah.

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