Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Teacher Holt Pleads Guilty to Rape

(Wilmington, Delaware) In April 2006, 34-year-old science teacher at Claymont Elementary School, Rachel L. Holt, was charged with 21 counts of rape for allegedly engaging in sex with a 13-year-old boy on 28 occasions in a seven-day period.

It's alleged that Holt also gave alcohol to the 13-year-old, let him drive her car, and even allowed a 12-year-old friend to watch the sexual activity.

In August, Holt was indicted on 28 counts of first-degree rape by a Superior Court grand jury.

Yesterday, Holt, now 35, pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree rape. Apparently, all other charges were dismissed. She remains in custody with sentencing scheduled for March 16.

Okay, so this case goes from 28 counts of first-degree rape to one count of second-degree rape and any mention of the allegation that Holt liquored up the boy prior to repeatedly engaging in sex is erased. Reportedly, revision to the charges happened during case review. Boy, it's a good thing they stopped reviewing or there would be no charge left. However, given that this case involves a female teacher, it's all understandable.

I don't think it's a stretch to speculate that Holt will likely receive only probation at her sentencing. The way her case is progressing, I wouldn't be too surprised if the court ended up giving her tickets for a Caribbean vacation and an apology for her trouble. You never can tell when the justice system delivers wheelbarrows more equality to women than men. In fact, the 13-year-old salacious delinquent should logically be sent to juvenile prison for a term since he caused teacher Holt all the problems. Teach that troublemaker a lesson.

[Update 03/16/07]

Holt sentenced.

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