Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weather Channel Politics

Worth a few minutes is this report. Melanie Morgan opens the doors to the boardroom of The Weather Channel, casting light on the personalities and purposes of its management. Launched to analyze and predict climate conditions, The Weather Channel has metamorphosed into a political propaganda medium, dedicated to scaring the pants off the public about global warming.

Chief agenda jockey is, Wonya Lucas, a CNN alum who, taught well, believes that her feelings and opinions trump knowledge and facts. Manning the point on the seek and indoctrinate mission is Dr. Heidi Cullen, a Near Eastern religions and history expert. Between them and probably unknowingly, they epitomize the folly of global warming hysteria -- leftist marionettes in the scientific laboratory.

Neither Lucas nor Cullen are scientists. They are political wolves in scientific clothing, global warming cultists making arrogant assertions about Earth's environment in 100 years. At the same time, they are iffy about next week.

Lucas and Cullen don't trumpet their inconvenient mindset. It's tom-tommed in a low droning cadence, more than subliminal but easily overlooked. Viewers of The Weather Channel, beware.

[Update 01/18/07]

Cullen urges suppression of dissenting opinion.

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