Thursday, January 18, 2007

Weather Channel Agenda - Suppress Dissent

My previous post about the Weather Channel and political propagandist Heidi Cullen could not have been more timely. She's the religions and history expert who purports to be a guru regarding climatology on the Weather Channel, however, her primary focus has been to create massive public alarm about global warming.

Thus far, Cullen has realized less than desired results in achieving her alarm goals. In fact, more and more people are entertaining a healthy skepticism about being alarmed, therefore, Cullen is adopting new tactics.

Cullen, along with her Weather Channel boss and leftist alarm shill, Wonya Lucas, are now going after the entire meteorological profession. They want to silence all TV weathermen who don't spew the alarmist mantra.
"If a meteorologist can't speak to the fundamental science of climate change, then maybe the AMS shouldn't give them a Seal of Approval. Clearly, the AMS doesn't agree that global warming can be blamed on cyclical weather patterns," Cullen wrote in her December 21 weblog on the Weather Channel Website.
So, if TV weathermen don't agree with Cullen, rip away their credentials. As a reminder, Galileo was in a similar situation regarding his opinion about the heavens and Earth. Galileo said the Sun is the center of the solar system, the Vatican was not amused and sentenced him to death.

Now, agreed, Cullen is not calling for any TV weathermen to die, she just wants to kill their careers by decertifying them. Think about it. TV weathermen may be the brunt of some occasional humor but, in reality, they are scientists in every sense of the word. Daily, hourly, sometimes minute-by-minute, they collect and analyze scientific data and then report, theorize and predict meteorological conditions locally, regionally and even continentally. The AMA Seal of Approval attests to their capabilities to perform those tasks. However, despite their competence as TV weathermen, Cullen wants to take the Seal of Approval from them if they have the wrong opinion about global warming.

This whole campaign by Cullen and the Weather Channel is sickening but it's not surprising, fitting the leftist template perfectly. If you don't agree with the leftists, they will try to silence you. Let's agree that leftists have largely succeeded in silencing dissent on most college campuses. Professors risk losing their reputations, grant money for research and tenure if they speak up. More dramatically, reflect upon what happens when conservatives are invited to speak at a college. If they successfully hurdle the pre-event protests, they are shouted down at the event, effectively silenced by crowds of leftist students and organizers. In the realm of science, which climatology surely is, open debate and skepticism are hallmarks which should be embraced, not suppressed.

But wait, there's more. Cullen is also complicit in promoting Nuremburg-style trials for those not echoing the global warming alarm. Logically, TV weathermen are not her only opponents so formal trials need to be convened to silence the others. You read that right -- Nuremburg-style trials! The message is simple. Shut up and toe the party line or risk losing your professional career, your livelihood, and, if we get our way, your freedom.

As can been seen, leftism and the open expression of ideas are incompatible. This is panoramically demonstrated by Heidi Cullen and the Weather Channel in their heavy-handed campaign to suppress opposing opinions regarding global warming. Pieter Dorsman suggests that Cullen is crushing dissent and manipulating the global warming debate. I agree and would guess that Cullen's most salient personal characteristic is arrogance.

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