Monday, February 12, 2007

Smart Resupply Drops

(Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) First guided munitions, now guided MREs? Like smart bombs, smart drops make sure the goodies go to the good guys.

From DDN:
The high-altitude, satellite-guided system allows cargo planes to drop supply bundles that can steer themselves to specific drop zones.

The goal of the Joint Precision Airdrop System, or JPADS, is to cut down on the number of roadway convoys, which face the danger of roadside bombs, and to reduce high-threat helicopter resupply missions.

"It is extremely rewarding to know we are helping save lives," said Air Force Col. Anthony Zompetti, vice director of the 516th Aeronautical Systems Wing at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The base's Air Mobility Command, Aeronautical Systems Center and Electronic Systems Center are involved in development of the program, which uses Army and Air Force hardware and software to get water, food and other supplies and equipment within 280 yards of a drop site, instead of several miles.
Apparently, the concept has already been implemented in Afghanistan.

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