Thursday, May 10, 2007

National Teachers Week

For those who are unaware, this week is National Teachers Week and Tuesday was National Teachers Day. To be fair, I think teachers should have a whole month to be heralded and celebrated. Their importance to civilized society cannot be overstated.

Consider this, the month of May enjoys such designations as National Barbecue Month, National Date Your Mate Month, National Egg Month, National Fungal Awareness Month, National Bike Month, National Arthritis Month, National Handbag Month and National Salad Month. There's a slew of other entities which get a month of recognition. Mentoring, for example, gets the whole month of January yet, teachers, arguably the world's premier mentors, get one measly week. It don't seem fair.

To correct the inequity, I believe teachers should be given their own month for recognition and celebration. I would suggest December when parents are in the gift-giving mood or maybe October, before the first mid-term tests.

Although I chronicle teachers with troubles, they are a minute percentage of the education establishment. Most teachers are dedicated professionals who not only educate but also inspire and motivate. They are the caretakers of the future. A National Teachers Month is not unreasonable.

All that said, how many people know of the ongoing campaign by Wal-Mart and Sam's Club to recognize teachers on a local level? Throughout the nation, all 50 states and Puerto Rico, exceptional teachers are being singled out for awards as Teachers of the Year. The honor comes with cash awards for the teachers' schools and individual recognition in the local press. Kudos to the Bentonville initiative.

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