Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Six Pets Killed and Eaten

(Mesa, Arizona) According to state biologist Randy Babb, coyotes are smart and they know where to find pets.
Coyotes have killed six household pets in north-central Mesa since July 8, but an Arizona Game and Fish Department spokesman said there's not much that can be done.

Debbie Thompson, who lives in the Hermosa Groves subdivision, said three of her dogs, who weighed about 10 pounds each, were killed Friday.
Just this month, four dogs and two cats in one neighborhood have been killed by coyotes. Meanwhile, the state authorities say that the only thing they can do is counsel the residents.

I disagree. Put a $100 bounty on coyote pelts and see what happens. Problem solved.

And another thing. Where's the outrage? Michael Vick has been accused of killing dogs and some people would like to see him lynched. The coyotes are killing dogs (and cats) with impunity and the only people expressing anger are the owners. Hey, whether it's Michael Vick or coyotes, there should be equivalent outrage for killing the animals. Shouldn't there?

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