The crowds of Muslims came to hear Islamist leaders call for a global caliphate. Supporters waved flags and listened to speeches saying it's "time for the caliphate to reign."
Speaking of Indonesia's lagging economy, radical Hizbut Tahrir group spokesman Muhammad Ismail Yusanto said the cause was democracy and its secular policies.
According to Ismail, the establishment of the caliphate would mark the application of sharia in all aspects of life and the reunification of Muslim countries all over the world.In summary, about 100,000 people walked away with the idea that democracy causes poverty, unemployment and malnutrition and economic prosperity is only achievable through sharia law and a worldwide caliphate.
Note that the radical Hizbut Tahrir has about two million members in Indonesia out of a total population of 235 million. The group has been banned in several Arab and Asian countries.
It's worth mentioning is that several high-profile Islamist leaders were invited to the conference but declined to appear. Most noteworthy was radical cleric Abu Bakar Bashir who didn't even give a reason for not attending.
Lastly, for a radical Islamist group to spew something other than allahu akbar, kill the infidels and be a martyr for 72 virgins is puzzling. Of course, the assertions that democracy causes poverty and sharia produces prosperity are ludicrous. Nonetheless, mixing some new lies into the Islamist agenda is a change which may lead to a wider variety of protest chants and placards.
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