During a number of days of testimony, Rian took the stand and denied having any sexual contact with the boy. However, a video disc of Rian's interrogation by Detective John Foster was introduced into evidence and watched by the jury.
FOSTER: ...Did he ask you to perform oral sex on him?On Monday of this week, a Williamson County jury convicted Rian on three counts of sexual assault of a child.
RIAN: I'm afraid. I can't answer that. I'm afraid. I can't trade him for my kids. I don't want to loose my kids...All I can tell you is I did everything to make him happy.
FOSTER: Did that include oral sex?
RIAN: I don't think I can answer you.
FOSTER: You're not leaving here until you tell me the truth...People make mistakes. All things happen to good people. People understand that...He's in love with you. You're in love with him.
RIAN: He's super smart
FOSTER: He's awesome. Does he always tell the truth?
FOSTER: Does he tell the truth most of the time?
RIAN: Yah.
FOSTER: Can we trust him?
RIAN : If he told you I did that for him, then it's true.
FOSTER: Oral sex?
FOSTER: How many times?
RIAN: Hmmm...twice.
On Wednesday, Phill Raije Rian was sentenced to 23 years in prison.
The jury recommended 10 years for one count, 13 for the second and 10 years' probation for the third.No information has been provided regarding plans for appeal.
Judge Billy Ray Stubblefield stacked the first two sentences, meaning she will serve 23 years in prison and 10 years' probation.
She won't be eligible for parole until she has served half the prison term.
Rian was represented in the trial by legendary high-profile Texas lawyer, Richard "Racehorse" Haynes, who stated that he regrets not taking the original plea deal offered by the prosecution of seven years probation.
The question of Rian's parental rights over her two children, ages five and three, will be addressed at a later trial.
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