Von Hagen's purse was open and several hair products were "in plain view," according to the report. She told police she planned on paying for them.Von Hagen was booked and released Sunday on $1,000 bond. The Broward County School District has reassigned Von Hagen away from students pending the outcome of the investigation.
But when police went into the bag to fetch the hair products they found, "floating around in her sunglass case," four blue pills they identified as the narcotic painkiller Oxycodone, 11 grams of marijuana and a pipe, the report said.
Von Hagen did not have a prescription for Oxycodone, according to the report.
Police arrested Von Hagen on charges of possession of a controlled substance, a felony, and misdemeanor marijuana and drug paraphernalia offenses.
Tip: Don Morgenstern
where is my house?
Over there
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