The arrest proved to be quite embarrassing for President Ahmadinejad since he had personally picked 52-year-old Zarei for the post and made him responsible for policing vice in the capital.
Before last month, the government denied that prostitution even existed in Iran and refused to confirm that Zarei had been arrested. But websites and newspapers got the story and Iran's Justice Department was forced to admit the truth -- prostitution happens in Iran and Zarei was, in fact, locked up.
Punishment for prostitution is harsh. Jail and even execution may result not only for prostitutes but also their customers. Nonetheless, the profession is healthy in Tehran. Thousands of women reportedly prostitute themselves in the capital. An hour goes for 20 to 50 euros.
In a more recent development, the prosecutor in Zarei's case hinted that the former police chief is suspected of pimping. It's a serious charge but not unusual since police and the Revolutionary Guard have long been suspected of receiving kickbacks from various vice operations.
Last Wednesday it was reported that Zarei committed suicide in jail, raising speculation that an inconvenient Tehran insider had been liquidated. Tehran, though, says Zarei is still alive.In conclusion, the status of General Zarei is not officially known, however, Iran has reluctantly admitted that prostitution exists in the country.
Heh. Maybe next the government will admit that there are homosexuals in the country.
Also: Jawa Report
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