Monday, July 14, 2008

Concert Spectators Blinded by Lasers

(Vladimir, Russia) More than 30 people at a music festival on July 5th were blinded by lasers.
"Usually, laser beams at such concerts are directed into the air. But it was raining heavily and the organizers had to stretch a canopy over the dance floor, and the [laser] beam at times fell below the canopy," one of the victims was quoted by Kommersant as saying.

A doctor told Kommersant that many of the victims, aged between 16 and 30, who sought medical treatment were suffering from burnt retinas.

Doctors say the "loss of eyesight is up to 80% in some cases" and for some of the victims "it will not be possible" to restore their eyesight.
The director of the laser show, Valentin Vasilyev, said that the laser would instantaneously burn the retina. He blamed poorly trained personnel and badly maintained equipment.

Since Valentin was in charge, I'd blame him.

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