Friday, August 15, 2008

Eat Fat, Be Regular

Is it just me or do other people notice that liberals, not conservatives, regularly use the bodies of women to display leftist political messages?

Whether it's Code Pink, International A.N.S.W.E.R., Breasts Not Bombs, PETA or others, the domain of using women as billboards seems to be largely those with a leftist political ideology. And, in all candor, I believe it is somewhat disrespectful to women in general -- just a slab of meat that can be written on.

Maybe my readers can provide some examples where conservative women prance around unclothed with something like "Lower Taxes Not Morals" scribbled on their bodies.

Of course, it's possible that conservative women also regularly paint their bodies with political slogans but nobody gets to see the pictures because the mainstream media don't want to have the conservative messages disseminated.

Expanded, exposed pic at the link.

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