Monday, August 11, 2008

The incorrectness of "retard"

We read:
"Last week we brought you the story of the ongoing controversy over Tropic Thunder. Shockingly, it's not Robert Downey, Jr. playing a black man that has people worried, but the use of the word "retard" in the film. Disability groups went to bat with DreamWorks to try and ruin the movie by getting the word removed from the film last week, and thankfully lost.

The news of free speech's victory over the forces of political correctness comes from the NYTimes where they reveal that disability groups are now going to plan B and organizing a boycott of the film, after meeting with DreamWorks and leaving the table unsatisfied. What's truly ludicrous is that not only are they now planning a boycott, but they're going to lobby Congress for a resolution condemning the movie for the use of hate speech. That's right, calling your buddy a "retard" is now hate speech. The next time one of your friends does something stupid, think before you verbally lynch him.

The upshot here is that if these coat the world in throw-pillows special interest groups are walking away unhappy, then moviegoers will almost certainly be walking out of Tropic Thunder happy, having laughed their asses off watching the movie as it was intended to be seen. These boycotters are people who probably weren't going to see the movie anyway


Posted by John Ray.

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