Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Virgin Selling Her Flower

So, we've got another woman who thinks her precious flower is worth at least a million dollars.

Described as a saucy ex-showgirl, Raffaele Fico (aka Raffella Fico), 20, has announced that she will sell her virginity for a million euros ($1,416,000).
"I can’t wait to see who’s going to pull out the money to have me," she said in the interview.

"I don’t know what it’s like to have sex.

"But if I don’t like him I’ll just have a glass of wine and forget about it."

Her brother told the magazine: "She’s never had a boyfriend. I swear on my mother’s grave.

"She’s a devout Catholic and prays every night."
As a devout Catholic, Fico has apparently found the heretofore lost Bible verse which authorizes indiscriminate mingling if the price is right. I'm personally unfamiliar with the particular passage permitting promiscuous penetration of her passage.

Notably, Fico's offer to sell her virginity for big bucks follows closely on the heels of Natalie Dylan's offer reported last Friday. Both are looking for a million dollars or more and I think we'll see more of these offers. With such high potential reward, one must assume that other women will test the market.

Thus far, no information has been reported regarding the secondary market for Fico's and Dylan's used flowers. However, just as an automobile loses considerable value once driven off the lot, Fico's and Dylan's used flowers will greatly depreciate and be priced according to miles driven.

By the way, I would speculate that the original idea to sell virginity over the Internet came from Rosie Reid, the 18-year-old, at the time, British lesbian coed looking to finance her education in 2004. Sadly, though, she apparently underpriced her flower and received only about $20,000.

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