Monday, September 01, 2008

Terrorist Caught, Sent Home Because of Ramadan

In a story out of Pakistan, it's reported that a jihadi terrorist on the Indian payroll named Paayow Gul Mengal (aka Payyow Gul Mengal) was arrested. In broken English, here's an excerpt:
He said he and his family receive two thousands US Dollars per month from one of the centre of India in Pakitia province. He said he had fought Jihad as partner with Taliban in Waziristan & Bajaur Agency prior to his third attempt to fight Jihad in Kurram Agency against particular sect but he was caught red handed this time. [...]

Later on the Payyow Gul mengal was released according to tribal traditions the man who lay down weapon and request for his life with addition to respect of holy month of Ramazan by the local tribals and allowed him to go home when he assured that he will never do such act of terrorism again.[sic all]
In summary, a jihadi was paid by some group outside the country to conduct terrorism and did so with three different groups inside Pakistan. Finally, he was caught but, since it was Ramadan and he promised not to be a terrorist again, he was allowed to go home.

This whole episode doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Also: The Jawa Report

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