Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mosques Tanking Voters for Obama

A quasi-religious political group called Muslim Americans for Obama is currently running voter capture drives at prayer sites and mosques, activities that are contrary to Internal Revenue Service rules regarding tax-exempt facilities and organizations. The blatantly partisan political voter drives are being held as part of festivities celebrating the end of Ramadan.

As a result, the tax-exempt status of the facilities and organizations involved should be examined by the IRS and considered for revocation. Reportedly, the Christian Coalition got into trouble with the IRS for similar actions.

Check out the whole story here, including the list of participating mosques and prayer sites.

Curiously, since the Democrat Party solidly champions radical feminism and the homosexual special interest agenda, it would seem that many Muslims wouldn't want to support Obama. Nonetheless, their institutions of prayer appear to have been wrangled onto the Obama bus.

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