Hubbard faces charges of sexual exploitation of children, promoting prostitution and corruption of minors.
The girls, ages 15 and 17, had run away from the Mountain Valley Center, an agency that takes in juveniles placed by the courts or Children and Youth Services, Detective Sgt. Dianne Kelso said. The girls ran away from the center July 25, according to the affidavit of probable cause.After arraignment on Tuesday before Magisterial District Judge Gary Carter, Hubbard was booked into custody with bond set at $100,000. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for October 7th.
From Aug. 1 to 4, the girls stayed at Hubbard's home, where men paid Hubbard $30 to $40 to have oral sex with the girls and $50 to $60 for sexual intercourse, police said.
The 15-year-old told police she had sex with 15 to 17 men during the three-day period.
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