Olympic Gold Medal Winner Michael Phelps took his new girlfriend, Caroline "Caz" Pal, home to Maryland for Thanksgiving. Pal is a 26-year-old casino cocktail waitress in Las Vegas. What a pair they make.

Michael Phelps & Caroline Pal
Notably, Pal has a less than squeaky-clean image which appears to conflict with the boy-next-door sports hero credentials of Phelps. The champion swimmer met the drink slinger while extending his competitiveness to the poker tables in Las Vegas.
Pal is an exotic-looking woman with an apparent love for tattoo needles. Essentially her entire back has some sort of graffiti emblazoned in ink. Knowing how time-consuming it is to acquire expansive tattoos and the pain involved, one must believe that it is an obsession with Pal.
It's questionable as to whether the Phelps/Pal relationship will endure. Kellogg or Subway or other sponsors may express some heartburn about a scantily-clad and tattooed bar waitress possibly smudging Phelps' All-American sports hero image.
Odds are that smoochy-smoochy loses in a contest with cha-ching.
NSFW images of the tattoos are at The Jawa Report.
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