Monday, April 20, 2009

Editorial: Guns Are "Too Dangerous"

(Huntsville, Alabama) According to an opinion piece in the Huntsville Times, guns are "too dangerous" and they should only be owned by members of law enforcement and for self-defense within a person's household. Apparently, the writer of the piece, Marilyn Vaughn, believes that guns are responsible for murders and suicides in America, not people.

Marilyn Vaughn will likely be happy to know that her viewpoint is strongly supported by legislators in the United Kingdom who outlawed all private gun ownership and confiscated virtually every firearm held by Brits. Interestingly, the desired result was achieved. Decreased gun-related violence was recorded.

Unfortunately, there were unintended consequences. Without guns, those Brits with murder and suicide on their minds resorted to knives. Knife crime skyrocketed. In fact, the level of knife-related violent crime is one of the most significant societal problems in the UK, arguably more so than the level of crime that existed prior to the confiscation of firearms from the British public.

To counter the menace of knife crime, the nanny-state Brits have instituted a national knife control policy. Restrictions have been placed on who can own knives and who can buy knives but the philosophy of control through confiscation has been blocked by the fact that knives are used in kitchens. The British government has not yet proposed a kitchen knife security program but one must assume it's being considered.

Frankly, I believe that the elimination of guns actually increases the level of violent crime. Criminals are emboldened by knowing that their intended victims have no self-defense. Those who possess only marginal criminal inclinations will be more likely to act with the knowledge that they won't be killed.

In any event, I suggest that Marilyn Vaughn's thinking is flawed. Guns are not "too dangerous" any more than a knife and an ice pick and a baseball bat are too dangerous. However, outrage at the periodic slaughters perpetrated by the unstable is understandable. Elimination of guns or further control of guns, though, won't decrease the number of loonies in society. Those inclined to commit heinous acts will continue to be so inclined. Without guns, they'll do things differently.

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