Sunday, May 03, 2009

Green/Left hate speech

A small excerpt from a post on a prominent Warmist blog. The author actually admits to his hate.
"Marc Morano is a douchebag and most people don’t even give enough of a crap about him to hate him. Once James Inhofe’s Senate butt boy, which gave him a modicum of relevance and credibility, Morano is now the proprietor of an obscure Drudge-wannabe climate denial site. He is useful to the 30% and their Congressional representatives; he supplies their climate-related talking points. But those talking points are crazy, and everyone hates the people repeating them.

But the public at large, outside the ideological tribe? They don’t know. They don’t care. And if they knew, they’d hate him too, like other mouth-breathers preaching conspiracy theories.

Some time in the next hour, somebody will say something stupid on cable TV. Somebody will write an idiot op-ed. Somebody will be wrong on the internet. Let. It. Go.

They are not Boogie men. They are douchebags, and everyone hates them.


Quite comical in its febrile and juvenile rage! I'd guess the author's age as being about 13. For a sustained burst of hate, read the whole post. Note the complete absence of any rational argument or any mention of climate facts. It's just pure hate.

Posted by John Ray.

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