Sunday, May 17, 2009

Health Alert! Snoring Causes Brain Damage

(Australia) According to researchers at the University of New South Wales Brain Sciences Department, snoring may severely impair brain function.
"It used to be thought that apnoeic snoring had absolutely no acute effects on brain function but this is plainly not true,'' lead author of the study Professor Caroline Rae said in a statement.

The impairment is thought to be the result of a lack of oxygen reaching the brain during extended pauses in breathing - a common characteristic of severe sleep apnoea.

Researchers studied the brains of 13 men with severe, untreated, obstructive sleep apnoea and found that even a slight lack of oxygen supply to the brain has an effect on function.
Of course, the finding means that government funding will be accessible for those entrepreneurial types who open snoring clinics.

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