Tuesday, May 19, 2009

King of the hate business is a Leftist

A good comment from a Leftist about the SPLC:
"What is the arch-salesman of hate-mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center doing now? He’s saying that the election of a black president proves his point. Hate is on the rise! Send money!

Without skipping a beat, the mailshot moguls, who year after year make money selling the notion there’s been a right resurgence out there in the hinterland with massed legions of haters, have used the election of a black president to say that, yes, hate is on the rise and America ready to burst apart at the seams, with millions of extremists primed to march down Main Street draped in Klan robes, a copy of Mein Kampf tucked under one arm and a Bible under the other, available for sneak photographs from minions of Chip Berlet, another salesman of the Christian menace, ripely endowed with millions to battle the legions of the cross.”


Cockburn often takes a different line from other Leftists. He is a global warming skeptic, for instance. I wonder if he was known as "HotC*ck" at school? Pretty likely. His surname is usually pronounced as "Cobern", however, and you do sometimes see people who spell it that way too.

Posted by John Ray.

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