Monday, June 29, 2009

Honduran Prez Ousted, Chavez Threatens War

(Caracas, Venezuela) By now, everybody has heard that the President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, has been ousted by the army and a new president, Roberto Micheletti, has been sworn in. Zelaya was forcibly removed from his home in the middle of the night and sent to Costa Rica.

President Obama said he was "deeply concerned" by events in Honduras.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, an ally of Zelaya's, placed his military forces on high alert and threatened war.
Chavez, on state television, said if the Venezuela ambassador was killed, or troops entered the Venezuela embassy, "that military junta would be entering a defacto state of war, we would have to act militarily." He said,"I have put the armed forces of Venezuela on alert."
Based upon the Obama administration's limp reaction to the turmoil in Iran, I suggest there won't be much comment out of Washington for a few days at least.

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