She said that they did horrible things to her but they were respectful. "They are not monsters," de Rijke said.
It's regularly contended that leftism is a mental health problem and, given de Rijke's response to being savagely raped, it's hard to dispute the contention. Denying reality is not healthy.
Furthermore, I'd suggest that the message in de Rijke's words is an invitation to future rape and/or harassment. After all, if she can't get angry when sexually brutalized by a barbaric crowd of religious fanatics, she shouldn't be miffed when some guy bends her over at the office.
[Update] It's worthy of note that some have suggested that de Rijke suffered from Stockholm Syndrome and identified with her captors, instead of being blinded by an ultra-left ideological mindset. I'll entertain the notion, however, experts contend that Stockholm Syndrome doesn't usually apply to hostages who have been abused.
Companion post at The Jawa Report.
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