Tuesday, July 07, 2009

PETA and Pig Excrement

(Columbus, Ohio) The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has requested permission to put 3,500 gallons of pig excrement and urine on the Ohio Statehouse steps accompanied with a fan to disseminate the smell.

The Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board denied permission. PETA responded by sending a letter to the Statehouse Executive Director asking for a review of the denial.

The reported purpose of PETA's excrement project is to support its contention that pig farms produce swine flu and other diseases.

No information has been reported on where PETA gets their 10+ tons of pig excrement but it's believed that some sort of karmic justice is being played out. Think about it. A group of PETA's more fanatical followers is forced to spend quality time being up close and neighborly to 3,500 gallons of pig excrement in the middle of summer.

[Add.] According to a PETA press release:
"You can't have a serious discussion about swine flu without understanding that the stressful and filthy conditions on factory farms are what spawn the disease," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "The best way to protect animals and our own health is to go vegetarian."
One might infer that PETA's primary focus is vegetarianism and not the ethical treatment of animals.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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