Sunday, September 20, 2009

Plans Dumped for Mojave Desert Solar Plant

Here's a case where liberal special interest groups, the alternative energy activists and the environmentalists, are in direct conflict with each other.

On one side, alternative energy supporters want to build a major solar power plant in the Mojave Desert. On the other side, environmentalists say "No!" They want to create a national monument.

The controversy has now apparently been resolved with the announcement by the solar company, BrightSource Energy Inc., that plans have been scrapped for any Mojave Desert power plant. The announcement was welcomed by the enviros. According to David Myers, Director of the Wildlands Conservancy:
"BrightSource should be saluted for their corporate responsibility. A major conflict between renewable energy and environmentalists has just evaporated."
Despite what happens next with BrightSource, you can count on electricity costing more. Also, in the final analysis, one can easily conclude that the environmentalists are generally against all forms of electric power production.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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