Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Virginity Restored

The Gigimo Artificial Virginity Hymen Kit, made in China and selling for $30, leaks a blood-like substance when inserted and broken. It's created a controversy among the Muslims.
Prominent Egyptian religious scholar Abdel Moati Bayoumi said anyone who imports the artificial hymen should be punished.

"This product encourages illicit sexual relations. Islamic culture forbids these relations except within the confines of marriage," Bayoumi said. "I think this should absolutely not be allowed to be exported because it brings more harm than benefits. Whoever does it (imports it) should be punished."

In a country and a region where pre-marital sex is so taboo it can even lead to a woman's murder, the debate over the virginity-faking kit has revived Egypt's constant struggle to reconcile modern mores with more traditional beliefs — namely, that a woman is not a virgin unless she bleeds after the first time.
Note that it comes in a nice box. I'm certain you're supposed to take it out of the wrapper before use.

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