Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Health Reform, Abortion & Farming Fetuses

Although Democrats in Congress have enough party votes to pass health care reform, agreement on funding for abortions has been an elusive sticking point. Most Democrats appear to favor abortions being included in the reform package but a vocal minority demands that abortions be excluded.

Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) is spearheading the anti-abortion Democrats, a group of 40 who can block any bill from achieving 218 votes needed for a majority. As long as the Democrats continue to wrangle over the abortion issue, health care reform legislation is stalled. Notably, if the legislation is stalled very much longer, Congress will have to put the issue on the legislative schedule for 2010.

Interestingly, while Congress hashes out whether taxpayers should fund abortions, news has surfaced that a commercial company has started marketing cosmetics made out of cells from aborted fetuses.

Therefore, by just connecting dots, it's not inconceivable for taxpayer-funded abortions to become the source of fetuses for use as raw materials in the making of retail products. All the legislative doors seem to be prepped for opening.

Let's hope my analysis is wrong. The idea of having fetuses become the equivalent of farm products is disturbing.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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