Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Woman Craves Sex

(Bosque Farms, New Mexico) A 39-year-old local woman, Joleen Baughman, is reported to suffer from continuous sexual craving, apparently the result of pelvic nerve damage from a car accident.
"It's unbearable. Just my clothes rubbing against me gets me so aroused I can hardly think straight.

"It's very embarrassing and it's impossible to concentrate."
The married, mother-of-two has been diagnosed with Restless Genital Syndrome (ReGS) resulting in persistent sexual arousal. Baughman says it's painful and, so far, she hasn't found any relief.
What's kept her together is the fact that she has used a support system, which she found on the Internet.

Baughman said, “There is help out there, there is a support group out there.”
Sadly, people are tempted to make jokes about what is actually a very serious problem.

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