Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exposed French Nutjob

A report:
Lyon, France - A 15-year-old French schoolboy sprayed a teacher with teargas after she described al-Qaeda as a "terrorist group", she told reporters on Tuesday as prosecutors began their investigation.

"I had just explained that the attacks on September 11, 2001 were carried out by the terrorist organisation al-Qaeda, as is written in the text book," said the history teacher, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"He stood up and declared that al-Qaeda is not terrorist and that neither is the Taliban," she said, adding that the boy had then pulled out a spray can and doused her and a teaching assistant with teargas.
The boy's argument might have been in the vicinity of debatable if he hadn't resorted to terror tactics for emphasis. Nonetheless, an important question to ask is how a boy in the middle of France developed such a strong allegiance to al-Qaeda. Was it via the Internet or was it due to the influence of a local terrorist cell? An answer should be sought by the authorities.

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