Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Accidental Testicle Removal

(Manchester, England) A Jordanian doctor, Dr. Sulieman Ahmad Sulieman Al Hourani, is being investigated by the General Medical Council for allegedly removing a man's testicle by mistake. Al Hourani was working at the Fairfield General Hospital when the incident occurred in 2006.
Dr Hourani, who studied at university in Jordan and is now practising in Jordan, also allegedly injected himself with a sedative while on duty at Fairfield hospital.

The panel heard that Dr Hourani, who worked at the hospital from September 2005 to June 2008, injected a patient with eight mg of a 10 mg dose of midazolam and put the remainder in his pocket.

On the day of the incident in August 2006 junior sister Lynn Crooks told the panel she saw Dr Hourani looking unsteady on his feet before later finding him in a treatment room syringe in his hand.

She told the panel: "He was sweating quite profusely and he wasn't his usual self.

"I told him I didn't think he was well and asked him to come out of the room."

Dr Hourani then left the area and was later found by Ms Crooks deeply asleep in the doctors' mess room and she took him to casualty.

During a hospital investigation Dr Hourani said he suffered from anxiety but had none of his own medication and when he found the midazolam in his pocket he used that, however he acknowledged his actions had affected the quality of patient care.
Al Hourani was fired by the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. It's not clear why the General Medical Council is now holding hearings. He's already been fired and shipped back to Jordan.

Frankly, I believe there is a significant difference between losing a testicle by accident and losing a testicle due to incompetence. As reported, Dr. Hourani was unfit to perform the delicate surgery. He allowed his competence level to degrade by allegedly being anxious and self-administering drugs while slicing and dicing a guy's scrotum. That's no accident.

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