Thursday, April 22, 2010

Navy SEAL Found Not Guilty of Prisoner Abuse

A U.S. Navy SEAL has been found not guilty by a court martial for allegedly abusing an Iraqi prisoner.
Julio Huertas, a Navy Seal from Blue Island Illinois, has been cleared by a military jury of failing to prevent the beating of an Iraq prisoner suspected of masterminding a 2004 attack that killed four American security contractors.

The burning death of the contractors became a major turning point in the Iraq war. There bodies were dragged through the streets of Fallujah and two were hanged from a bridge over the Euphrates River.

Huertas, 28, was the first of three Navy Seals to face a court martial for charges related to the abuse of an Iraqi prisoner, Ahmed Hashim Abed, who was suspected of masterminding the attack against the contractors.
I contend that there are entirely too many prosecutions of U.S. military personnel and entirely too few prosecutions of terrorists and terrorist supporters. (Source with video)

Tip: K. Solomon

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