Sunday, May 02, 2010

About Amateurish Bombers

With emphasis, the Times Square bombing attempt on May Day is being characterized as "amateurish" by the authorities and the media. I contend that it would be more accurate to say the attempt was "rudimentary."

First of all, "amateurish" is inaccurate and, at best, an offhand value judgment. Sure, it could have been a first-timer but a seasoned veteran who didn't have all the tools to meet a deadline is also a possibility. At the outset, the authorities don't know.

In any event, amateurish or otherwise, it doesn't matter and I would boldly suggest that every single accomplished suicide bomber has been an amateur. The USS Cole was attacked by amateurs as were the Khobar Towers, the U.S. Embassies in Africa, the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, the World Trade Centers, and so on.

Also, using "amateurish" sends a message of "Nana-nana-na-na! You didn't get us!" to the unsuccessful bomber(s) which could be viewed as official taunting.

In the final analysis, I suggest that the use of "amateurish" by the authorities and the media with regard to the Times Square incident is, ironically, amateurish.

Also: The Jawa Report

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