Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Paypal suspends SIOA, FDI, Atlas Shrugs accounts as "hate speech"

SIOA is Stop Islamization of America and FDI is Freedom Defense Initiative>
"The Left's ongoing strategy is to rule its opposition outside the bounds of acceptable and reasonable political discourse. This is the long-term goal behind all the accusations of "hatred," "bigotry," etc. And so now this from Paypal.

Paypal, in its enlightened Leftism, now apparently deems resistance to an ideology that would extinguish the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience, as well as equality of rights before the law for women and non-Muslims, to be "hate."

Note also that the openly genocidal jihadists of RevolutionMuslim.com still have their Paypal account. No problem there.


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs has details here. She suggests sending checks instead! I certainly will make no further use of PayPal. There have been a lot of controversies surrounding PayPal. They are a very arrogant firm and clearly are not going to change any time soon unless forced to. They took on the Australian government at one stage and lost.

Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.).

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